The Cloud
They call it the cloud for a reason. It's in the clouds. It took our group 45 minutes to hike to The Cloud from Sub Camp C-4. The last 10 minutes or so felt like we were walking straight up a hill.
The Cloud is where the National Jamboree 2013 decided to place all of the technology activities. This place was interesting to say the least. The Cloud was the home to NASA, NASCAR, CSI, Robots and more.
While at the cloud scouts were able to view the sun using a telescope. The telescopes were powerful enough that a person was able to see solar flares. There were also TV screens where scouts were able to see satellite images of the solar flares.
While at the NASA booth we were informed we had a chance of actually seeing the Aurora Borealis at camp that night. Unfortunately it rained and was cloudy so it was very difficult to know if the Aurora Borealis actually appeared. I did not hear of anyone seeing the Aurora Borealis during camp. Also in the NASA booth all of the scouts were able to take and keep, as a souvenir, a thermal imaging photo of themselves.
In the NASCAR booth scouts were able to learn what goes into building a NASCAR. In addition they actually built a NASCAR piece by piece that will be raced. We were informed that it would be inspected by professionals before the race to insure we tightened all the nuts and bolts. I bet the driver will appreciate that inspection.
Lego had it's booth set up where the boys could battle Lego robots. They were even giving a first ever sneak peak of their upcoming soon to be released Lego robot. There was also a full sized Lego fireman.
In the CSI booth scouts were tasked with solving a made up murder. As you circled thru the booth, scouts would get clues as to who in the booth might have committed the murder. They showed the boys infrared technology, fingerprinting and even a made up murder scene among other fun and interesting CSI type activity's.
There were a number of team games as well as geocaching at The Cloud.